
Key publications in which are used some of MicruX research solutions, including microfluidics devices, electrochemical sensors and portable analytical instrumentation. In these publications are shown different applications and methodologies that can be useful to learn more about the possibilities of the solutions offered by MicruX.

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List of publications

A. Fernández-la-Villa, V. Bertrand-Serrador, D. F. Pozo-Ayuso, M. Castaño-Álvarez. "Fast and reliable urine analysis using a portable platform based on microfluidic electrophoresis chips with electrochemical detection". Analytical Methods2013, 5, 1492–1501.

:: Tag: HVStat instrumentmicrofluidic electrophoresis chips

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C. Kiang Chua, M. Pumera. "Chemically Modified Graphenes as Detectors in Lab-on-Chip Device". Electroanalysis2013, 25, 945 - 950.

:: Tag: HVStat instrument

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E. Santos, J. Albo, C.I. Daniel, C.A.M. Portugal, J.G. Crespo, A. Irabien. "Permeability modulation of Supported Magnetic Ionic Liquid Membranes (SMILMs) by an external magnetic field". Journal of Membrane Science2013, 430, 56–61.

:: Tag: gas cell

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M.P. Godoy-Caballero, M.I. Acedo-Valenzuela, T. Galeano-Díaz, A. Costa-García, M.T. Fernández-Abedul. "Microchip electrophoresis with amperometric detection for a novel determination of phenolic compounds in olive oil". Analyst2012, 137, 5153–5160.

:: Tag: microfluidic electrophoresis chips

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A. Fernández-la-Villa, D. Sánchez-Barragán, D.F. Pozo-Ayuso, M. Castaño-Álvarez. "Smart portable electrophoresis instrument based on multipurpose microfluidic chips with electrochemical detection". Electrophoresis2012, 33 (17), 2733–2742

:: Tag: HVStat instrument, microfluidic electrophoresis chips

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I. Álvarez-Martos, M.T. Fernández-Abedul, A. Anillo, J. L. G. Fierro, F. J. García Alonso, A. Costa-García. "Poly (acrylic acid) microchannel modification for the enhanced resolution of catecholamines microchip electrophoresis with electrochemical detection". Analytica Chimica Acta2012, 29, 136–143.

:: Tag: microfluidic electrophoresis chips

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C. Kiang Chua, A. Ambrosi, M. Pumera. "Graphene based nanomaterials as electrochemical detectors in Lab-on-a-chip devices". Electrochemistry Communications2011, 13 (5), 517–519.

:: Tag: HVStat instrument

More information

A. Fernández-la-Villa, D.F. Pozo-Ayuso, M. Castaño-Álvarez. "New analytical portable instrument for microchip electrophoresis with electrochemical detection". Electrophoresis2010, 31, 2641–2642.

:: Tag: HVStat instrument, microfluidic electrophoresis chips

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