ME Single-Channel with Electrodes

ME Single-Channel with Electrodes

Two crossed SU-8 microchannels with integrated three thin-film electrode configuration on a glass cover plate. Long life devices (over 1000 runs/injections) with a low-cost, high efficiency and precision.


ME Single-Channel with Gold Electrodes (50-µm)

ME Single-Channel with Gold Electrodes (50-µm)

50-µm gold working electrode and 250-µm reference and auxiliary electrodes. Detection system placed at the outlet of the separation channel with an end-channel approach. Compatible with microfluidic chip holder, HVStat and iHVStat instrument.

ME Single-Channel with Gold Electrodes (50-µm)

Material: Glass/SU8

Dimensions: 38 x 13 x 0.8 mm (L x W x H)

Injection channel length: 10 mm

Separation channel length: 35 mm

Microchannel geometry: rectangular

Channel width: 50 µm

Channel height: 20 µm

Inlet / outlet: 2 mm Ø

Electrodes material: Ti / Au

Electrodes thickness: 50/150 nm

Microelectrode width: 50µm

Reference electrode width: 250µm

Auxiliary electrode width: 250µm

Applications: Electrophoretic separations of organic compounds, cations, anions, DNA, peptides, etc.

Contents: from 1 chip


ME Single-Channel with Platinum Electrodes (50-µm)

ME Single-Channel with Platinum Electrodes (50-µm)

50-µm platinum working electrode and 250-µm reference and auxiliary electrodes. Detection system placed at the outlet of the separation channel with an end-channel approach. Compatible with microfluidic chip holder, HVStat and iHVStat instrument.

ME Single-Channel with Platinum Electrodes (50-µm)

Material: Glass/SU8

Dimensions: 38 x 13 x 0.8 mm (L x W x H)

Injection channel length: 10 mm

Separation channel length: 35 mm

Microchannel geometry: rectangular

Channel width: 50 µm

Channel height: 20 µm

Inlet / outlet: 2 mm Ø

Electrodes material: Ti / Pt

Electrodes thickness: 50/150 nm

Microelectrode width: 50µm

Reference electrode width: 250µm

Auxiliary electrode width: 250µm

Applications: Electrophoretic separations of organic compounds, cations, anions, DNA, peptides, etc.

Contents: from 1 chip


ME Single-Channel with Gold Electrodes (100-µm)

ME Single-Channel with Gold Electrodes (100-µm)

100-µm gold working, reference and auxiliary electrodes. Detection system placed at the outlet of the separation channel with an end-channel approach. Compatible with microfluidic chip holder, HVStat and iHVStat instrument.

ME Single-Channel with Gold Electrodes (100-µm)

Material: Glass/SU8

Dimensions: 38 x 13 x 0.8 mm (L x W x H)

Injection channel length: 10 mm

Separation channel length: 35 mm

Microchannel geometry: rectangular

Channel width: 50 µm

Channel height: 20 µm

Inlet / outlet: 2 mm Ø

Electrodes material: Ti / Au

Electrodes thickness: 50/150 nm

Microelectrode width: 100µm

Reference electrode width: 100µm

Auxiliary electrode width: 100µm

Applications: Electrophoretic separations of organic compounds, cations, anions, DNA, peptides, etc.

Contents: from 1 chip


ME Single-Channel with Platinum Electrodes (100-µm)

ME Single-Channel with Platinum Electrodes (100-µm)

100-µm platinum working, reference and auxiliary electrodes. Detection system placed at the outlet of the separation channel with an end-channel approach. Compatible with microfluidic chip holder, HVStat and iHVStat instrument.

ME Single-Channel with Platinum Electrodes (100-µm)

Material: Glass/SU8

Dimensions: 38 x 13 x 0.8 mm (L x W x H)

Injection channel length: 10 mm

Separation channel length: 35 mm

Microchannel geometry: rectangular

Channel width: 50 µm

Channel height: 20 µm

Electrodes material: Ti / Pt

Electrodes thickness: 50/150 nm

Microelectrode width: 100µm

Reference electrode width: 100µm

Auxiliary electrode width: 100µm

Applications: Electrophoretic separations of organic compounds, cations, anions, DNA, peptides, etc.

Contents: from 1 chip


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