
MicruX ships worldwide the products purchased through its online shop


» Shipping costs

The shipping and/or handling costs are not included in the price and will be shown before the end of the purchase, depending on the shipping address of each order and the volume/weight of the package. The shipping costs do not include the import taxes, which must be paid at destination by the recipient of the goods.


» Orders

To place an order, it is necessary to connect to, and register as a user, filling in the electronic form that appears at each moment on the website of the online store and following the instructions indicated therein. After registration, and to proceed to the purchase of products, you must add the product that you wish to purchase to the basket, according to the indications shown on the screen, completing to this effect the supplied order form and validating it.

The prices and offers presented on the website are valid only and exclusively for online orders made at All prices published on our website are Ex Works (EXW).

The confirmation of the order by the customer expressly acknowledges the knowledge and acceptance of these general conditions. Unless otherwise indicated, data recorded by MICRUX FLUIDIC, S.L. constitute evidence of the set of transactions between MICRUX FLUIDIC, S.L. and their customers.

Once the order has been placed and within the shortest possible time, always within 48 hours of the execution of the purchase, MICRUX FLUIDIC, S.L. you will receive an e-mail with proof of purchase. If you do not agree with the information contained in this confirmation you can request the modification of the same or the cancellation of the order.


» Availability of products

The selection of products offered at, is valid as long as the products are visible on the website. Being electronic commerce, the stock changes constantly, so that it could happen, eventually, that during the buying process the stock runs out, affecting delivery times.


» Mode and delivery times

The products are sent to the shipping address that you have indicated in the order. In the case of placing an order for several articles with different availabilities, the delivery period will take into account the longest expected delivery. In exceptional cases, MICRUX FLUIDIC, S.L. will reserve the right to disaggregate the order, sending the available items and leaving pending a second shipment, if items are not available. In this case, the second shipment is made at no additional cost.

The products in stock are shipped within 1-2 working days and are delivered to the customer in 2-5 working days. In the case of products that are not in stock, the delivery time will be 4-5 weeks (not applicable to custom products or services)

The products are shipped worldwide through a transport agency (DHL, TNT, FEDEX, etc) selected by MICRUX FLUIDIC, S.L. to optimize the cost of shipping.

In the event that the customer detects a problem at the time of delivery of the order (damaged packaging, missing or damaged products) it must indicate it in writing on the delivery note of the carrier, and please contact us by phone on +34 984 151 019 within 15 days from the arrival. No refund of damaged item or claim of missing item will be admitted if it has not been communicated within the established time limit.

In case your order has been sent and has no news of the delivery, you can contact our Customer Service on +34 984 151 019 or email


» Payment

MICRUX FLUIDIC, S.L. Offers to its customers various ways of payment so that they can choose the one that best suits their needs:

  • Credit card. Supported cards are VISA and MASTERCARD. If you make the payment with a card, the payment will be made at the end of the purchase process through our POS. In case the POS Terminal reports the denial of the card, the order will be automatically canceled, informing the customer of the cancellation online. In case of payment by credit card, a commission of 2% will be charged, which will be reflected in the purchase process.
  • PayPal. If you make the payment by PayPal, at the end of the purchase process, you will be redirected to the PayPal platform to make the payment through it. In case of payment through PayPal, a 5% commission will be charged, which will be reflected in the purchase process.
  • Wire transfer. At the end of the purchase process you will receive an e-mail with the bank account to which you must place the payment, after the completion of your order. The order will not be considered effective until we confirm the corresponding entry and, therefore, the deadlines begin to count from this date. In case of prior approval by MICRUX FLUIDIC, S.L., payments by transfer may be made NET 30 days once the products have been received. All bank charges related to your payment must be borne by the buyer. Be sure to make your payment at your bank so we can receive the full invoice from our bank.


MICRUX FLUIDIC, S.L. reserves the right to refuse any operation carried out with a credit card. In this case we will proceed to refund the cash into the original card. In these cases and if the client is interested in progressing in the purchase of the articles we will request a bank transfer.

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