Electrochemical Platforms

Electrochemical Platforms

Wide range of user-friendly and robust accessories specially created to be used with thin-film electrodes. Versatile platforms for single and multiplexing analysis designed to conduct analysis in flow or stationary mode. 

MicruX´ Platforms

Drop-cell Platform

Basic interface

AIO Platform

Outstanding modular interface

Multi8x AIO Cell

Multiplexing & modular interface

ME-Chip Platform

Multi-electrode chips interface

EEP Platform

For external electrodes

Custom Platforms

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Drop Cell Interface
Drop Cell Interface

User-friendly interface for standard thin film electrodes with the potentiostat. Enables batch analysis with 1-5 µL sample drops. Tool free assembly and easy and fast replacement of the electrodes.

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All-In-One Platform
All-In-One Platform

Multipurpose interface with movable add-ons. Enables the use of one thin-film (micro)electrodes in static (Drop / Batch-cell) or dynamic (Flow-cell) conditions, fulfilling the requirements of multiple analytical applications. 

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Multi8x All-In-One Platform
Multi8x All-In-One Platform

Multiplexing Interface with movable add-on. Enables the use of eight thin-film (micro)electrodes in static (Drop / Batch-cell) or dynamic (Flow-cell) conditions, providing a multiplexed detection system in several applications

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Multi-electrode Chip Platform
Multi-electrode Chip Platform

Simple and robust interface to use with multi-potentiostat to use the thin-film single and interdigitated electrodes developed by Micrux. Up to 16 simultaneous measurements.

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External Electrode Platform
External Electrode Platform

Adapt external electrodes RE-Ag/AgCl and CE-Pt or SS to the thin-film (micro)electrodes using the All-in-One cell with this platform. It can be used to place just the reference electrode, or reference and auxiliary electrode together.

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